Feel Better

A podcast focused on building better mental and emotional health, with New Zealand counsellor Charlotte Cummings.

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3 days ago

I get asked this question so, so often and I have LOTS of tips to share. It's time to take it away from being a black and white/yes or no question of "Will you come to therapy with me?", and ask way better questions to get you both participating in therapy quick smart! 

3 days ago

This is a bit of a different episode - it's all about me! I share my back story, more about my counselling style, my work as a Private Investigator, my issues - it's all here! haha.. Come join me for a yarn! 

Ep 61: Boundaries Q & A

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

This is a follow up episode to Episode 60 on boundaries. In this episode, I respond to a range of listener questions on how to apply boundaries in different contexts - with difficult people, fragile people, in a not for profit work setting, with kids, with in laws, when supporting someone else through a difficult time, and as a grandparent. Phew! There is lots in here, and no doubt there will be something relevant to a challenge you face. 

Ep 60: Boundaries

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

Join me for this episode, all about the important topic of boundaries. I'm a big believer that if you don't have good boundaries, you don't end up living your own life - and, instead, you live the life others construct for you. Boundaries are a really important life skill, yet for many people, the state of their mental health prevents them from even knowing what they want - let alone holding a boundary. I hope you get lots from this episode, and don't forget to check out the following episode (61) where I answer listener questions on boundaries. 

Ep 59: Finding Yourself

Monday Aug 19, 2024

Monday Aug 19, 2024

I hear this all of the time from people writing to me seeking to engage in counselling... "I just feel I have lost myself, and I've lost my way". 
The good news is that you're not a $20 note in last winter's jacket, and there are actually steps you can take to re-discover, re-invent, or re-connect with who you are. 
Join me for this episode where I explore how to go about this process. 

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024

Well, this is a bit of a different episode today, as I share a conversation I had with my friend Steph over on her podcast Style for Life. 
I met Steph in her role as a stylist when she did my colours in a mall. Since then she's shopped with me, taught me to run, shared so much with me about nutrition and exercise, and now she is an ever-inspiring woman in my world. 
EVERYONE needs a Steph. Working with her has been a part of my own journey of learning to love and appreciate myself. 
We chat about self-esteem, health, looking after yourself, the vagus nerve, clothes, parenting - pretty much everything. 
I hope you enjoy listening in to our chat! 

Monday Aug 12, 2024

Have you heard the saying, "Parenting is a walk in the park, only it's Jurassic Park"? Anxiety about our children's health, development, and activities can be really challenging. 
In this episode I explore some key ideas for managing your experience of anxiety in the context of parenting. 

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

Responding well to people who err towards negativity can be tough - whether these characters in your life are friends, family members or colleagues. 
In this episode I respond to a listener question with tips for dealing with negative people - ways to manage the relationship, a challenge around what this pushes for you personally, and how to guard your own precious energy through it all. 

Ep 55: Encouraging Change

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

For many of us, there are things we would like to change - perhaps around our health, around our style of relating to others, or personal habits. 
But, the process of change can be really hard. In this episode, I share some encouragement and reminders for you if you've got something you're working on right now. This might be the little boost you need :) 

Ep 54: Saying No

Monday Jul 29, 2024

Monday Jul 29, 2024

N.O. Two letters, one tiny word, but sometimes so hard to say! Join me for this episode where I share my advice around learning the art of saying no. 


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